The Yarn Bouquet


The Yarn Bouquet is a Babes in the Wool speciality and is carefully curated for crafters, making it an ideal gift for a wide range of celebrations: Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries and more. If you have something particular in mind, we’re happy to work with you and create a beautiful bouquet tailored to your needs. Simply send us an email at with details of what you’re looking for and we’ll get back to you.

The Yarn Bouquet comes together with several crafty elements:

5 x balls of luxury yarn in assorted colours

From brands such as Sirdar, Rico Design, Katia + more

2 x Pairs of Knitting Needles / 3 x Crochet Hooks depending on your bouquet selection

From brands Knit Pro, Zing, Pony and Prym

6 month subscription to In the Wool, our twice monthly craft newsletter filled with discounts, articles, inspiration and monthly giveaways

1 x voucher for 10% off your next online order with Babes in the Wool

The Yarn Bouquet will also come with 1 or 2 stitch markers depending on your bouquet selection, and is complete with decorations and details including packaging, ribbon and fresh cut greenery from our garden.

Total Price: £30

Please include any customisation preferences in the ‘Additional Info’ section at checkout.

Bouquet Stem:
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The Yarn Bouquet is a Babes in the Wool speciality and is carefully curated for crafters, making it an ideal gift for a wide range of celebrations: Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries and more. If you have something particular in mind, we’re happy to work with you and create a beautiful bouquet tailored to your needs. Simply send us an email at with details of what you’re looking for and we’ll get back to you.

The Yarn Bouquet comes together with several crafty elements:

5 x balls of luxury yarn in assorted colours

From brands such as Sirdar, Rico Design, Katia + more

2 x Pairs of Knitting Needles / 3 x Crochet Hooks depending on your bouquet selection

From brands Knit Pro, Zing, Pony and Prym

6 month subscription to In the Wool, our twice monthly craft newsletter filled with discounts, articles, inspiration and monthly giveaways

1 x voucher for 10% off your next online order with Babes in the Wool

The Yarn Bouquet will also come with 1 or 2 stitch markers depending on your bouquet selection, and is complete with decorations and details including packaging, ribbon and fresh cut greenery from our garden.

Total Price: £30

Please include any customisation preferences in the ‘Additional Info’ section at checkout.

The Yarn Bouquet is a Babes in the Wool speciality and is carefully curated for crafters, making it an ideal gift for a wide range of celebrations: Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries and more. If you have something particular in mind, we’re happy to work with you and create a beautiful bouquet tailored to your needs. Simply send us an email at with details of what you’re looking for and we’ll get back to you.

The Yarn Bouquet comes together with several crafty elements:

5 x balls of luxury yarn in assorted colours

From brands such as Sirdar, Rico Design, Katia + more

2 x Pairs of Knitting Needles / 3 x Crochet Hooks depending on your bouquet selection

From brands Knit Pro, Zing, Pony and Prym

6 month subscription to In the Wool, our twice monthly craft newsletter filled with discounts, articles, inspiration and monthly giveaways

1 x voucher for 10% off your next online order with Babes in the Wool

The Yarn Bouquet will also come with 1 or 2 stitch markers depending on your bouquet selection, and is complete with decorations and details including packaging, ribbon and fresh cut greenery from our garden.

Total Price: £30

Please include any customisation preferences in the ‘Additional Info’ section at checkout.